Assembled Devices

Syncussion Clone Power fix, assembled pcb
Note: assembled version
A small PCB which adds add a clean -8V. - to improve the hum/noise problems on the SY-1 (THC Version)
and on few SY-1M the coil problem.
note: you must desolder few parts from the pcb and before install this pcb, or buy the "repair service" from me.
a buildguide and BOM is available on:

The PCB is designed to mount it between Control PCB and analogboard
27,00 EUR
VAT exempt according to current tax regulations excl. Shipping costs
SY-1M   SMT Assembly Service,
parts on addional costs if not supplied with the device

shipping costs back to the customer is included
Guarantee only on the service rendered according to legal requirements
40,00 EUR
VAT exempt according to current tax regulations excl. Shipping costs
LAB PSU Breakoutboard PCB - assembled
This PCB was designed for Pro DIY Builder who wants different Connector to build, test and repair devices or modular modules.
You should have an Bipolar Powersupply to connect this pcb.
There´s a LED test and LED resistor test section
the PCB comes populated
The Banana connectors are for the Inputs of your Lab/Bench PSU - the common 0V can be brigded by the jumpers (if needed)

The banana colour can be different - the shown picture is just an illustration.
30,00 EUR
VAT exempt according to current tax regulations excl. Shipping costs
MN3002 replacement
This assembled adapter comes with an TDA1022 BBD 512 stage IC.
Was tested in many DIY projects.
35,00 EUR
VAT exempt according to current tax regulations excl. Shipping costs
Arp1601 Step1 Fix Mod PCB - Kopie
This Modification helps to syncronize the first step1 to an external source.
when you try to sync from an external source the step2 is in sync with step1 from external.
This Mod fix this issue, for original 1601 and clones

assembled PCB with 2 ICs.
the CD4520 has to be used from your 1601 - and drop this pcb in this place.
 - BOM and buildguide is available on my website
25,00 EUR
VAT exempt according to current tax regulations excl. Shipping costs
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